Sunday, November 14, 2010


Among a number of modern society diseases is diabetes. This disease has increased less from a century ago to the need serious attention. Now, diabetes becomes the sixth-largest killer in America. Diabetes does not just cause death but can cause other disease such as kidney pain, acute myocardial infarction, high-blood-pressure, stroke, cataract, nerve damage, hearing loss and blindness. Calculated 45% of people are risky to have this disease (diabetes).

Diabetes is a disease that is related with the level of sugar in our body, or called as blood sugar or blood glucose. Every cell in our body need glucose to spur metabolic. Cells use glucose to strengthen growth process and recovery. When people eat food, digestive system change a lot of food into glucose then free in bloodstream. Hormone insulin, issued by gland pancreas, arrange glucose from the blood to be channeled into the cell until operational as fuel. If cell not get glucose total that sufficient cell will become 'hunger' and finally will die. To this moment, network and organs of the body will suffer damage. That is really happened to the diabetes patient.

There are two types of diabetes, namely diabetes type I and diabetes type II. Diabetes type I sometimes considered as diabetes youth, namely diabetes which had been dependent insulin. This type of diabetes is ordinary originated during child and it is because pancreas unable to issue the total insulin needed by body. While diabetes type II also known as diabetes that is not rely to insulin. This kind of diabetes will occurred on adult and it happen because cell unable to absorb the normal rate of insulin that issued by pancreas. In these circumstances insulin may regard as a key door. Insulin with role as key, open mango key (enter into the cell) and then open the gate to facilitate glucose enter. If his mango's key make from material that are not quality and it damage, key is no longer function, door will not be able to open. This happens to sufferer diabetes type II. Insulin available cannot longer open the gate because his mango's key damaged. To both type diabetes this glucose level in the blood increase whereas his cell malfunction.

Diabetes type I, pancreas is not able to produce insulin rate that adequate to deliver glucose ply to all cells inside body. The treatment is with make insulin injection once or more a day with sugar low nutrition table that the tight. Was reported that around 90% sufferer diabetes have been from type II and 85% from it caused by obesity. This both type diabetes, diet very important whether to patient that stay to the moment disease start though in his handling. While type of food eaten also really influence patient either it enhance or protect

A interesting facts, persons that stay in the archipelago Pacific who practice traditional diet never reportedly catch diabetes ill. Yet when them leave his natural food and replace him with westernized food, all manner type of disease come, and in about is diabetes. For example what that happened in Nautu Island people in South-pacific. During their centuries just rely to food based upon on banana, tuber and coconut.

Yet after being found in their earth phosphate patching his revenue bring to prosperity and their changing lifestyles, majority of the population replace banana, tuber and coconut with food from fine powder, sugar and vegetable oil that while his process already experienced many modify. Consequently emerge disease have never seem before it like diabetes and others. Reportedly World Health Organization (WHO), almost half Nautu's Island urban population that age 30-64 years get diabetes disease.

Doctors have successfully helped patients to operate diabetes with organize patient practice low-fat diet, high carbohydrate. Through diet they get limit fat intake until 30% calorie. Complex carbohydrates as perfect grain and vegetables comprise from 50% to 60% calorie. Medium carbohydrate as fine powder and sugar should avoid. This is because carbohydrate pay tension that not duly to pancreas and this will increase in blood sugar to level that jeopardizes. Reason to fat reduction and also sweet food are gaining body weight reduction. This is because body weight problem is main cause diabetes. In addition other reason to low-fat diet is reduce the acute myocardial infarction risk that general effect from diabetes illness.

Lastly, researchers have shown that flute vegetable oil excessive recruitment would cause diabetes. This matter was strengthen with a study on animal, as the result, it could raise the diabetes with only feeding fat content poly unsaturated fat that substantial. Then with only limiting the fat intake, that animals has undergone remedial from his disease (diabetes). In a conclusion powerfully effective low-fat diet in the handling diabetes.

Latest suggestion is lessen or limit all fats. Unsaturated mono fat as olive oil, subtly influence diabetes, then approved use at reasonable rates. Yet because all fats including high olive oil caloric content, then his recruitment not are encouraged. However seem unsaturated poly oil classified oil as problem occur. This scrutiny shows that when unsaturated poly fat from diet enclose in cellular arrangement, cell ability to get disturbed glucose. In other words 'mango key' to cell open the gate supply glucose to be entered aggravate his state when too much unsaturated poly oil in take in food. Then insulin not afford open the gate. Unsaturated poly fat oxidizable easily and destroyed by free radicals. With all type of fat, including unsaturated poly oil, used as obstacle hedge supply membrane cell. Unsaturated poly fat oxidizable in membrane cell can influence by detrimental his cellular function, including his ability in permit hormone, glucose and other substance to flow into and outwards his cell. Then thereof, diet high to vegetable unsaturated poly oil distillation increase diabetes. Diet low to oil will help dispel his symptom because all fat potential to increase body weight. Then would be excellent to avoiding him.

In this regard still there fat which can be eaten by diabetes sufferer without foreboding. The fat is coconut oil. Coconut oil not cause diabetes and it get help arrange blood sugar, felled at lessen influence diabetes. Nautu's people take many coconut oil during several generations and was never found diabetes, yet when they replace with eating from other oil his result is disaster.

Attractive one item of coconut oil not claim enzyme production insulin from pancreas. With reduction to process inside the body during lunch time, whereas insulin was still being taken out with many, then would facilitate organs of the body function more efficient. Coconut oil also help give energy to cell because it have been absorbed easily without need enzyme or insulin. Coconut oil has proven can improve secretion insulin and blood glucose. Coconut oil to improving food and improve action and insulin capacity send glucose repeat among cell, when compared with other oil.

In Journal of the Indian Medicine Association reports that diabetes type II in India have increased when person neglect oil traditional, because more selective vegetable unsaturated poly oil that has promoted “good for the heart”. The authors having commentary on the relationship between unsaturated poly oil with diabetes and organize enhance consumption coconut oil as method to prevent diabetes.

A diabetes consequence are diminished energy that related with incapacity cell to get glucose that is required. Without glucose to strengthen cellular activity, metabolic becomes slow and all body fell weak.

Athletic were organized as a method to help diabetes sufferer operate in blood sugar. The reason why beneficial athletic is that it enhance metabolic. Faster metabolic amount will stimulate insulin production increase that is required and enhance glucose absorption in cells. Therefore it can help diabetes sufferer type I though diabetes sufferer type II.

Coconut oil can also increase metabolic amount that cause body fire more calories that mean will add body weight reduction. Therefore decrease body weight can do with only increasing coconut oil into the food. MCFA to coconut oil mail directly to heart are transformed into energy instead of inside the body as fat network.

Diabetes sufferer as good it avoiding consumption all fats, except coconut oil, because it get help stabilize blood glucose rate and help lessen excess body weight. Not extreme if reputedly that coconut oil is as good oil it eaten diabetes sufferer.

Virgin Coconut Oil And Fat


Why we should calculate the calorie.

Normally obesity happened when the food that we consume is more than what our body requires. This phenomena happened when the food we eat are converted into energy either to strengthen the metabolic function or for our physical activities. However if there is an excess energy it will be converted into fat and enter the cell to become cellulite in the legs, waist and buttocks. Therefore the more we eat the bigger will be our body.

Energy found in food is measured in calorie. Everyone need a certain amount of calorie to look after the basic function of the metabolic process. All these processes enable life to sustain for examples; to ensure the heart continues to beat, the lung continues to breathe, and the stomach continues to digest the food that strengthen each and every cellular process. The number that body use the calorie to carry out the metabolic activities is called named basal metabolic rate (BMR) that is the total amount of calories needed by an inactive body. Whatever activity no matter how light will require additional calories. Two-third of the calories used daily is to take care of the basic metabolic function. Everyone has a different BMR. Many factors determine the BMR and the number of calories required by the body. Younger people need more calorie than older people. Physically adults need more calories than an inactive person. People who are fasting are very hungry or people on diet use fewer calories than the ordinary people.

Two dominant factors that influence body weight reduction are calorie intake and physical activities.

Example; A person who is 150lb working by just sitting operating a computer keyboard only requires 1600 calories and 800 calories for other activities. He needs 2400 calorie / day in order to maintain his body weight. If his calorie intake is only 2300 calorie he will have to obtain the additional calorie by breaking down the fats in his body. The consequence is he will loose his body fat. But if his calorie intake is more than the body required, the excess will be stored as fats. If he is an athlete, because of his physical activities he will have to add to his daily calorie intake, for example up to 2500 calorie per day. His body weight will fall because the extra 100 calories needed will be drawn from the body fat. That is why an active person usually appears much slimmer than an inactive person. Normally women require fewer calorie than men approximately 200-400 calories lesser.

For example, a man who works as a school guard, he requires around 2600-2800 calories per day to uphold his body weight. If he performs heavy work, such as manual work, he will require 2800-3200 calorie daily. Such person needs around 2200-3200 calorie daily to carry out his daily activity. Women usually smaller and less muscular need around 200-400 calorie lesser.

Quick Body Weight Reduction,Is it True??

Have you seen an advertisement saying “I reduced 25 kg of my body weight in 4 weeks”. "I reduce my measurement from 18 to 8 in 30 days”. All diet programs can achieve fast weight reduction. The question is, is it really possible for a person to loose weight that fast?

Consider the following fact:-

One pound (half kg) of body fat keeps 3500 calorie, to lower its weight the amount of calories that enter must be repetitively smaller than 3500 calorie. On the average a reduction of 500 calories/ day or 3500 calorie a week will be able to reduce the weight by as much as 1/2 kg (one pound) a week. A reduction of 1000 calorie each day equals to a reduction of 2 pounds weekly. To cut down 1000 calories daily, they should cut down their meal by half of the normal meal. That is a huge reduction. This implies that loosing takes time. Therefore it is not possible to loose 25kg of fat in just 6 weeks, unless they consumed nothing else but water. A reduction of 3 to 6 kg in 6 weeks is more realistic.

Removes excessive fat- obesity

The total number of overweight people had continued to rise during the last 20 years, especially during the last 10 years. According to the The Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), overweight people in America had increased during the 10 years from 12% to 17.9% of the entire population. Also in America, 55% of the entire population are having weight problem, one out of four adult is considered fat or as much as 25% of the teenagers are having weight problem. More children are becoming fat, resulting in a drastic rise in the number of overweight children (50% increase) during the last 30 years. This happened in Britain, Germany and other European countries as well.

From the medical perspective, obesity is a serious problem. With an excessive body weight, a person run the risk of contracting a disease. A person is considered fat if his/her weight is more than 20% of his/her normal weight. For over the last 10 years obesity had increased as much as 70% among people who are 18-29 years. For those age between 30-39 years the figure shot up by 50%. All other age group that experience dramatic body weight increased suffered acute myocardial infarction, bile, diabetes, osteoarthritis and premature death.

If body weight problem can be overcome that means the body will be more healthy, more so if it is done without the use of drugs. Most people strive to reduce their body weight by following various programs such as reducing fatty food and increasing carbohydrates. Clearly it makes them suffer but not achieving the desired result.

A minority still regarded eating healthily means maintaining a balanced, avoiding fat and using “healthy” oil such as margarine and vegetable oil as basic food. In actual fact if we study what is healthy food and virgin coconut oil, they have made a mistake by taking the wrong oil. Hence they should replace vegetable oil with virgin coconut oil, use butter instead of margarine, a little bit of sweet food and consume more fiber. This will make the body healthier without the need to reduce the usual amount of food. Moreover by taking virgin coconut oil they will get more energy compared to before.

This way of dieting can actually reduce the body weight without being we being conscious.


1.Abnominal hernias
4.Acute myocardial infarction coroner
6.Respiratory disorder
7.Varicose veins
10.Gastrointestinal disorder
12.Gynecology disorder

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